Lookin Like A Pizza

Or loco en la cabeza, whichever works for you.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Throwing poopies

I got 2 words for you "Potty Training". That, combined with the title, says it all.

I have been extremely lucky with Jake. He has not gotten into lots of things you would think a 3 1/2 yr old boy would get into. ie. my yarn basket, trash cans, Daddy's PDA, crayons on the wall, that stuff.
So, imagine we are potty training and have only had a few "misses". Imagine Jake comes up and tells me he "poopied". I ask him to show me and he takes me over to the little tykes kitchen and points UP. Yes. UP. Top shelf baby. I asked how it got up there and the reply was "I throwed it".



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