Lookin Like A Pizza

Or loco en la cabeza, whichever works for you.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Visiting for 2 weeks...

We have been dog sitting for a friend this week and Jake is totally in LOVE. He tells me "Mommy, I love him in my heart!" "Do you love him in your heart?"
"Yes, Jake I love him and I love YOU With all my heart"

A difference in Woobies

Jake has a couple of these little "woobies". 2 yellow, 2 blue. They confort him to sleep and just make him happy. I don't care if he takes these to college, I'm just happy we got rid of the "binky". (another story)

The other night he notices for the first time (in 4 years) that the tag on one of the woobies is "backwards"
"Hey Mommy, this woobie is backwards! Can you fix it?"
"No Jake. It is supposed to be that way, its the way they sewed it"
"But Why?"
"Because the little boy was talking and distracted his Mommy and she sewed it that way"
"But why?"
"Because he kept talking and she put it on the wrong way"
"A litttle boy like me?"
"Yes, JUST like you"

Friday, March 03, 2006

a one track mind

Wonder where he gets it from?

Earlier in the week Jake was sick and had a fever. He is on the couch and I'm wiping him down with a damp cloth to break the fever and he gets angry with me! You know, crying and complaining.....
I say "I know, poor Jakie, you're just Out of Sorts with the fever"....
He says "SWORDS!?? Who has swords?"
Only a little boy.......

Another thing that came up while we were breaking the fever and watching Cartoon Network, The Pink Panther. Only according to Jake, its the pink Hamster. And you cannot tell him any different.