Lookin Like A Pizza

Or loco en la cabeza, whichever works for you.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

What's with the Cows?

Jake talks in his sleep. A lot. And so clearly that you would think he was awake but for the closed eyes.
Ask Jake what he was dreaming about and he will answer "I dreamin 'bout cows." You can ask him this right now or even tomorrow and the answer will be the same, "I dreamin 'bout cows". That is, except for this morning when he added new members. Some chickens and a pig.

So now when we ask Jake what he was dreaming about he answers, " I dreamin 'bout cows. And chickens. And a PIG!"

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Why again...
I must have hit the wrong keyboard combo and just lost my last post....arrruuugghh.

So what I said earlier and lost was why is it that I think of TONS of things to write about while we are out, yet when I get home and sit in front of the pc I got nothin. Zip. Nada. To make matters worse waht I do remember is thinking "Oh that is so cute, I have to remember that". DOH.

Monday, June 06, 2005

The Chicken got my Gee-na

Gee-na: (gee-nA) n. Jake speak for "finger".

Jake did not say any "F" words. Finger, food, flower..... he started them all with a "g" sound.

We went to Linvilla Orchard back in April. It was the first nice spring day of the year and we got a bag of feed for the animals. He would take the corn kernals and put them one a time, through the fence for the chicken. The chicken would grab the kernals and Jake thought that was just great until one chicken was a little too aggressive and pecked Jake's "gee-na"!

The rest of the day and until Daddy got home (and even after) he would hold up the offended index finger to us and say "The Chicken got my Gee-na!"